It reached near 50 degrees today so I headed down to a local park to spend some time with the new E-Trac. I spent some time hiking around, probing the ground here and there to try and find a spot where the ground wasn't frozen and I could dig. I finally found one spot that set down in a swale that had a pretty good mat of grass on it to insulate the soil from the cold and it also lined up with the rays of the afternoon sun, which helped it to be the only place in the park where you didn't need a pick to break the ground. It also turned out to be a very trashy part of the park, with lots of iron in the ground. I swapped to the 6X8 SEF after some frustration trying to weave the Pro Coil between the multitude of iron targets. In a lot of the area it would just completely null the signal. The SEF seemed to be the ticket, as I was able to better seperate the good from bad. Not a real great afternoon in terms of finds but I had a great time and was able to pull some wheaty's out of this park that has been detected heavily for many years. I will definetly go back and spend some more time in the trashy area as I feel that may be why the wheaty's were still there. I just started to pack my camera with me and the photos I posted may not be the greatest but bear with me as I get a feel for the field pictures. I figured that most of you would just enjoy seeing some dirt.