Went out with the V for a couple of hours to my vacant lot/old house site. Netted 11cents. A 1977 dime and a 1976 penny. The penny exhibits some corrosion even though it is not a zinc cent. Found the usual amount of trash of couse, including pieces of black cast iron which I think must be peices of old water pipes. I run the V just below the nickel tab but I still get this stuff and rusty nails also. I usually bring back a few cents from this site but so far nothing old. Nevertheless, hope springs eternal. I believe I am figuing out that broken crackly signals indicate probable trash but I dig it most of the time anyway just in case. I get lazy though as it gets dark and start to make judgment calls on the signals. Getting some loud signals in spots where I am digging up pieces of what must be foundation stones. There is still a lot to do at this site, and surely at least a few more coins. I am maybe 1/3 of the way through and determined to finish it.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for reading.