Brother and i hit a homestead site today, armed with small hand picks that worked suprisingly well. This is an iron infested site that we've worked alot with every machine known to man.(i know, you've heard that before). And we have taken some nice finds from this site with other top machines over the years, but for one dislike or another the machines go down the road. (you don't marry every gal you date, do you?) Anyways, we step into the field, i'm not even done balancing(fastgrab mind you) and lucky a@@(brother) pops out an 1837 canadian half cent. I hit a few small flat buttons and then counter with an 185? biggie of my own. After an hour or so of poppin flat buttons and small lead and brass i hit on a nice 1866 indian head. Well, i celebrated a little to hard and 5 mins later he( lucky a@@), pulls a super nice 1858 flying eagle . After accusing him of bringing it from home, i finally gave in and bowwed. This machine is super sens. 2+ tones seemed to be the best choice in iron infested spot, it locked in better id than the rest. Did't try 1 tone though. I did notice some chatter when we got within 10 or so yards from each other, didn't seem to matter what freq. we were on. All in all, very impressed, i see alot of people worried if the f75 will be better or not, heck i'll be happy if mine is as good as the t2, as it will make a nice backup to the t2..... will post some pics later.... HH