When I started digging the place, one of the construction workers was there after work hitting the front field. I talked to him briefly and he was amazed with all the stuff in the ground. I know the area has been hunted in the past because I have talked to the past owners of the land. It must have been hunted very lightly. I know there was a Rev War campsite and hosuesite in the area and a tavern site very close by that was used as a meeting place for the local miltia. i have found a British Bar Shot that was fired on the miltia as the British were approching from Norfolk enroute to Suffolk, which they burned. The Civil War made its mark on the area also as you and johnny h. know about. Gen. Getty's troops camped and built pits and batteries all along the river and Wilroy Road during the seige of Suffolk. Picketts stay there off and on till 1864 to watch the river and the Blackwater Confederates. Lots of History in the area. Watch for arrowheads, lots of them around. Hope this helps? Look forward to hooking up with you guys.