Went to a old foundation out in the country today for my first stop. It was I'm guessing from around the late 1800's to early 1900 Thats where the old coins and the tokens came from. Everything cleaned up pretty good, the silver(colored) token kinda suprised me....I didnt think Proctor & Gamble was around back then. The other token stumped me at first cause I was looking at the front of it. (heck out the bug on the front at the bottom) When I cleaned it up and saw the writing on the back then I knew why it looked like a potatoe...(anyone ever see these before??) then I hit the silver woohoo <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin"> then the nickel and the Indian Heads were in the same hole (man I'm glad I always re-scan the holes) the tokens came from a park I hit on the way home.