Well-known member
Ok well it was a hot day. There are no other words to describe it except just plain old hot!! I came home after we got take out Chinese dinner. We ate, I was tired and putting up the tools, gas cans, etc/ from todays earlier projects back into the shed. It was about 6 p.m. and I decided to go out and do some metal detecting near our woods where I had never detected before, just to clear my mind and hope to get into a better mood. Mind you guys I have lived here over 11 years and have swung every metal detector I have owned in the main part of the yard. I have only found clad, pop tops, screw caps and modern trash. I have never found anything ever here, that I would consider a relic. I grabbed my silver sabre micromax that I have a 5.75 concentric coil on. I keep it in my car for those on the whim detecting moments. I was detecting near our clothes line we have near the woods. I have been keeping it mowed for years and never detected the part that runs along the wood line. I have found old shotgun brass in the area before and also aluminum cans from a brush fire too. Needless to say when I popped out the first one on the left in the picture, I could not believe my eyes as I knew exactly what it was. I thought to myself, I cannot believe it!! I screamed out to her as she was still on the deck and came over and showed it to my wife. She was excited about it as well. Well I thought to myself, I wonder if the other one is out there. Twenty minutes later, I found the other one, which was only 12 feet away from the first one. This is the first time I have posted any of my own finds in some time here on the forum. Needless to say, the day ended up way better than it started!! I had to share!!