Yeah, I was just trying to give you a bad time! Congrats on all your recent finds. I really wasn't whining, just taking a good natured jab at ya!
I do find some gold and silver jewelry laying around, so there is something to keep sifting through all the garbage for. This stuff can be as valuable as old coinage.
People who don't detect see a metal detector and think old coins are worth alot of money. I would be willing to bet you have found at least 4 rings that are each worth double the price of your 2 silver dollars. That said, I would also wager you would not trade the two slugs for double the price of the 4 rings. There's monetary value, and there's sentimental value.
I have been able to hunt two older houses this summer, and turned up about 15 wheatbacks, a buffalo nickel, and 3 mercury dimes. There was also the usual clad. Not much for alot of people, but an experience for me.
The houses were owned by people I know, and they were redoing the lawn. The next step is asking those I don't know. Easier said than done, for me anyway!