Today at the park proved to be horrible. I found beer cans that were giving off good signals, I ended up digging about a case and then some of beer cans. To top that off as I was walking I looked down and found 3 needles for people to do drugs, the only good thing was one penny and a very old tooth with some type of filling in it. I can only hope its gold or platinum. What type of medal do they use for fillings? Its most certian a old tooth though with the filling going down into it. Oh I did find one penny. LOL My back is killing me, I guess those 4 back surgeries this year are not helping. I hope the pain goes away. I have to eat Two oxycontins just to go out and treasure hunt. I can not sit on my butt the rest of my life, I love being active, but since those surgeries and all the steel rods and pins, it sure hurts a lot more to live this lifestyle. I wont quit though. Keep Diggin, I will get some tastfull pics tonight, all for the love of metal detecting and nothing more, Scouts Honor. Cheers everyone I need a maritini with two big olives.