Hit some sports fields today, only to find the ground still frozen. I then opted to hit the woods, where I found some coins and spent a good part of the day working an old dump at the side of a ravine.

I got this 3 MERRY WIDOWS container on a trail in the woods. This style is a first for me. I have found several of the other varieties. "Three Cadets trademark reg-c1931 is a Successor to the 3 Merry Widows"on the top right. Too funny, yet a great find.

I found an old tin with some interesting drawings on it. After a nice bath and scrub with some baking soda, it appeared to be an old ice cream tin. I bet the kids got a real treat when the family opened one of these.

After some more digging, I found a couple of old toys, which have definitely seen betters days. An old toy telephone and an old tin car, with an unknown model or make of the car?
Below are the coins that I found. Looks like a couple more weeks before the ground is thawed out.