Recently, I got into a lively discussion with a bunch of fellow THer's........the thing that trigered it all was a few of them saying target I.D. was useless. They felt it was not effective ....mainly a way for the companies to add profit margins to their units. One comment was "I can tell the sounds of my targets really well". Well I will beg to differ. I have found many good targets under adverse conditions that were only possible due to target id!! Target ID is not the " be all end all" it is just another tool ......not to be over relied on..... but used intelligently. I've found 18 silver quarters last year mainly because I could tell them apart from pennies........impossible by sound but clearly visible on my Cortes screen. And they came out of frustrating "penny fields"...but they stuck out like sore thumbs. Gold rings too.........start to develop patterns that you can see stand out as compared to many lower end "ring like" trash. Tighter numbers confidence bar patterns, all of these are tools that can help you pick out more potentially good targets in less time. In my area one of the biggest headaches was a # 35 ( on the Cortes ID) pulltab. By ignoring this number I have dug many rings that I probably wouldn't have dug.... had I been digging the very very prevalent # 35. Sure there may have been a #35 gold ring in there too.... but not very likely. Ignoring #35 frees up time and energy for more likely gold targets. Since getting a target ID unit my "gold finds" increased. And this was true for my previous target id units as welll ( Whites PRO XL and M6) Sure I could hunt with a non target ID detector but why pass up that valuable additional information that's right there in front of you to consider "or " in some cases ignore!!! Just one man's opinion.