Here. I took the liberty of copying some the guys tips from this forum. Most apply to the older sovereigns but but should work well for us GT users. I don't think anyone will mind.
The Wiggle
Is what we call it when you swing back and forth over just the area of a signal to get the tone as high as we can to ID it so it looks like we are just wiggling the coil. This is maybe less than a inch if it is a deep target as the Sovereign just has to have the coil in motion to get a signal and we only want to get a ID on that target. Most of these little wiggles are used when you get one of those deep signals you want to see if it is a good target as it has to be a positive signal and one that will get the correct tone and numbers on the meter. Some are so deep that they are very weak and these may not get the correct tone or ID on the meter, but sure will try to be. If it locks on to one number then that will be the ID while doing the wiggle.
The basic wiggle will be what you mostly will be using to learn the Sovereign and those will lock on to a good number, but some will be a little harder to get to lock on that are close to trash and why you try to just go over just the target itself and keep the signal as steady as you can so it can ID just that target only.
The more you use the Sovereign the more you will learn and don't think you will ever stop learning with this detector. Much you will learn is from real experience with this detector and by digging any signals you have a question on. This is one of the only detectors that give you a lot of info with the tones, the meter readings, how they react when close to another item, and by going slow you can hear of several items that are close together as it can separate instead of masking a good target and let you decide which ones to dig and which ones are trash items.
Remember it takes experience with this detector to get good with, so the more you use it the better it will work for you.
Good luck and remember to wiggle over any weak target trying to get those tones to repeat and climb.
GT users. Where do you set your sensitivity most of the time?
I have been recommending auto to learn the Sovereign, then when you know it set the sensitivity between 10-12 depending on how stable it is. Set it and hold the coil in the air and see how stable it is, if good lower it to the ground and hold it still and see how stable it is, if good then it should be OK, but if it seems not too stable you can lower it just a little.
Depth has a lot to do with how well you know your Sovereign and going real slow at time to get the depth. I had one place where going at a normal slow swing of the coil i was getting maybe 8 inches, but when I just barely moved the coil I could get 12 inches and had to listen close, my sensitivity was at the 11 o'clock position and the signals an meter were trying to climb, but just couldn't make it being so deep. If I speed up the coil at all the signal was gone, so speed has a lot to do with depth you will get.
I will say my T-2 was more unstable than the Sovereign and had to turn the sensitivity lower and more disc to make it work for me.
GT users. Where do you set your sensitivity most of the time?
Stable is when holding the coil in the air it is not erratic, then holding the coil on the ground without moving it and the threshold will not chatter. Now when you swing it the tones will be changing but that should be OK as long as it is not a solid null. I find when running the sensitivity high you have to go slower with swinging the coil as it will null more. How fast to swing the coil will vary on where you are, now if you know there is deep coins you may want to go slower and listen closer to those faint signals that will be small.If you go too fast you will never hear them. How slow is slow, well you want to hear all the signals, so if it nulls a lot you have to go slower so the Sovereign can process the signals. I have seen where in most cases a foot a second will work in some areas while in the next looking for the deep ones a foot in 4-6 seconds will work the best, just remember it has to see the target and process in order for you to get a signal on it. These signals may be small and weak sounding too, but if you know your Sovereign you will know it is one you do the wiggle on and check them out.
This is going to sound like some long text book instruction, but it will work.
1) set you disc and notch controls to your desired setting
2) switch to all metal
3) set the threshold to a slight hum.
4) "SLOWLY" sweep the search coil on the ground, back and forth, side to side, you are looking for a patch of ground the has no metal at all.
5) Now place the coil on the ground, and hold it still....
6) switch your GT back to disc.
7) Turn the sensitivity all the way "Clockwise"
Now "SLOWLY" sweeping the coil over the ground that you checked for no metal, turn the sensitivity control counter-clockwise, until falsing occurs, once the falsing occurs, turn it back clockwise. Just enough to stop the falsing. Do not go into Auto.
You might still get some falsing, just turn down the sens. a little more or if it's not bothering to much let it stay were you tuned it.
I hope this helps you out. Tony from Tidewater
18/ False Signals
When I got my first Sovereign I was very impressed by it