Well ... it seems someone is out of town.... SO ...........
Here is your chance to show off your great creative photoshop abilities.
Photo can be new or one that you used before. You MAY post more than one.
Don't be chicken... Ed will love this... and he gets to do paybacks...
You KNOW he will love that.... hahahahaha
There is no prize except your own cheap thrill for a job well done.
Please post as a reply to this post so we don't clutter up the forum.
[size=large]Post Your Best Altered Photo Of Ed day[/size]
Here is your chance to show off your great creative photoshop abilities.
Photo can be new or one that you used before. You MAY post more than one.
Don't be chicken... Ed will love this... and he gets to do paybacks...
You KNOW he will love that.... hahahahaha
There is no prize except your own cheap thrill for a job well done.
Please post as a reply to this post so we don't clutter up the forum.
[size=large]Post Your Best Altered Photo Of Ed day[/size]
[attachment 38433 ed-halloween.jpg]