Max,I got a chance to take out the Bigfoot coil I recently bought.I went to one of my favorite spots which is a kind of small area,Like a small back yard.I must have did a good job on my previous visits because nothing new showed up.I then moved to another area that was still trashy and went crazy with all the signals.I spent a good 2 hours trying to find the best way to read the signals but there were too many trash signals to do it.Beside that the ground was like concrete.I moved out to where it would be a little less trashy and was satisfied on how it operated.The pin pointer phase was dead center,the readings were good, so I came away with the thought of keeping to the basic rules.Trashy area,smaller coil,semi clean or beach I would use the Big foot.It's nice to cover 2 or 3 times the area in the same amount of time and it could pay for itself pretty quick on something like a good beach.If you can use one try it.From the looks of your pictures it would be good and fast for the dry sand.I Don't know if it would plane in the low surf,you would have to test that.Another place I think it would be excellent would be relic hunting in large fields.Keep in mind this was only a 2 hour test,but i will test it a lot more and also take other coils with me.I don't even know if you are interested in it or not but you gave me some good tips so I thought that this might be a good one for beach hunters.
Jim Pa
Jim Pa