... sorry gang, but the weather has been perfect for nugget hunting, and I have thus neglected this Forum. As regards "better iron rejection" the DD coils reject iron a bit better than concentric coils. Whereas a concentric coil, set to iron nail-level rejection, may audibly "click" or "chirp" or "crunch" over small iron, a DD coil will give a completely silent response, or produce LESS clicks and chirps. In other words, of, say, 100 clicks over a trashy site using the concentric, you might get only 40 or 50 clicks with the DD. As regards "iron level reject," it has to be remembered that if your discrimination is set to reject SMALL iron, it will still accept LARGE iron. ALSO: the VDI meter is a wonderful asset, but, the AUDIO discrimination goes deeper. THUS, if you get a audible signal, but NO VDI reading, the target is APPARENTLY "good," but too deep for the VDI to register. It is a good idea to dig such signals, particulary at older sites. Hope this helps; HH Jim. (Yes, and the nugget hunting has been very productive, thank you <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt="">!)