I hunted a site yesterday which was a Confederate fort overlooking a railroad trestle across a river. Beautiful, deeply dug entrenchments. The site had been hunted heavily in the past thirty years, but it was apparent that there were still iron targets in the ground, from the constant null of my XS. A partner using a Fisher 1265-X made the same comment, as he was hearing a constant chatter from small iron. Usually, where there is iron trash in a C.W. site, there are good targets overlooked.
I first started hunting in Advanced-Smart, with nails and iron bottlecaps rejected, and was receiving a nearly constant null, even with a super slow sweep speed. Ocassionally I would get a high pitched "bleep" which would result in the crosshair bouncing around between the clear side and the darkened side of the screen. One of these targets I dug, which ended up being a iron bolt.
I then switched to Iron Mask set at clear screen which resulted in my receiving a tone on all targets, and whenever one deviated from the typical iron sound I checked the display, but all crosshairs were in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
I then went back to "select", cleared the screen, and selected "nails" only as my discrimination pattern, but still did not find any good targets. Oh yeah, was hunting in the "Fast" setting because of the iron.
I realize that, since this has been a heavily hunted site, and many entrenchments were merely constructed and never occupied, that there may be nothing left--but I doubt it. My partner with the Fisher set his Disc. pretty high and did succeed in digging a shotgun shell casing pretty deep that had been missed, but that was it.
I also varied my sens. from about 28 all the way down to about 11, and did not see any significant results in signal change.
If anyone has any advice on how to cope with such a site or any suggestions at all please let me know. Also, I am occasionally digging small iron objects which emit a "coin sounding" tone, but the cross hairs bounce back and forth, which I assume is a sign of iron. Am I right? Thanks in Advance.
I first started hunting in Advanced-Smart, with nails and iron bottlecaps rejected, and was receiving a nearly constant null, even with a super slow sweep speed. Ocassionally I would get a high pitched "bleep" which would result in the crosshair bouncing around between the clear side and the darkened side of the screen. One of these targets I dug, which ended up being a iron bolt.
I then switched to Iron Mask set at clear screen which resulted in my receiving a tone on all targets, and whenever one deviated from the typical iron sound I checked the display, but all crosshairs were in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
I then went back to "select", cleared the screen, and selected "nails" only as my discrimination pattern, but still did not find any good targets. Oh yeah, was hunting in the "Fast" setting because of the iron.
I realize that, since this has been a heavily hunted site, and many entrenchments were merely constructed and never occupied, that there may be nothing left--but I doubt it. My partner with the Fisher set his Disc. pretty high and did succeed in digging a shotgun shell casing pretty deep that had been missed, but that was it.
I also varied my sens. from about 28 all the way down to about 11, and did not see any significant results in signal change.
If anyone has any advice on how to cope with such a site or any suggestions at all please let me know. Also, I am occasionally digging small iron objects which emit a "coin sounding" tone, but the cross hairs bounce back and forth, which I assume is a sign of iron. Am I right? Thanks in Advance.