I've been metal detecting for several years now, but more so as a passing hobby. I've recently been getting more into it and had a couple questions that I've wondered about for a while.
A little history, I was given a Radioshack (forgot the model) detector when I was about 13. I purchased the Garrett 150 when I was 19, and recently invested in the Garrett 350.
My questions are:
What are the differences between searching in sand and dirt? Aside from the obvious roots and rocks, does dirt and sand show different depths even if the item is at, say 4 inches?
Does wet sand vs dry sand make a different sound?
How often do you more experienced users use the discrimination settings? I'm always cautious that I'm going to lose out on a good find because I didn't want to dig up some junk.
What are the best places to search for different types of objects? The obvious ones are the beach, but the beaches get scanned so often that I think I might have better luck at parks, but I'm not sure I'll find anything good.
How does soil from different geographic regions effect the detection signal? I live in New Hampshire where you can't dig for more than a couple inches without hitting some sort of rock. Is the signal from a valid object such as a penny going to display the same in NH as it would somewhere like Texas?
And finally, if anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all
A little history, I was given a Radioshack (forgot the model) detector when I was about 13. I purchased the Garrett 150 when I was 19, and recently invested in the Garrett 350.
My questions are:
What are the differences between searching in sand and dirt? Aside from the obvious roots and rocks, does dirt and sand show different depths even if the item is at, say 4 inches?
Does wet sand vs dry sand make a different sound?
How often do you more experienced users use the discrimination settings? I'm always cautious that I'm going to lose out on a good find because I didn't want to dig up some junk.
What are the best places to search for different types of objects? The obvious ones are the beach, but the beaches get scanned so often that I think I might have better luck at parks, but I'm not sure I'll find anything good.
How does soil from different geographic regions effect the detection signal? I live in New Hampshire where you can't dig for more than a couple inches without hitting some sort of rock. Is the signal from a valid object such as a penny going to display the same in NH as it would somewhere like Texas?
And finally, if anyone has any tips they would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all