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Of course I went back up to the AdLawn! Not a whole lot to report but if this little piece of metal is gold then its the smallest, thinest ring I’ve ever recovered.
Spent a couple hours just wandering and a little gridding on the main large lawn, a clad quarter, dime, nickel, and a couple pennies was all I got coin wise. But, as I entered the big lawn I got a clear 34-35 hit (nickel/tab divide line) and checked it. Depth was 2” or less so used the Garrett to locate it exactly. Carefully cut a small plug top with the hand trowel and expecting a pull tab saw a glint of gold! At first I thought it was an earring but once out of the plug realized it was an intact circle so maybe a ring?
This little item was super thin and I tried to see if any marks inside the band and it looks like maybe….. jkline came over and looked as well and thinks there might be a mark too but questioned the semi flat or squared edges. Not going to know until I get home and get it cleaned up better.
Once home, and under a better loupe, it does does appear to be marked on the inside. As best I can try and read it I think its +k+ but just not positive. This little band is just really thin and not really bendable to any degree. Decided I will probably take it in and get it tested to fInd out for sure.
Oh, I did recover a Malaysian 20 SENS coin dated 1973 (about the exact size of a quarter but same value as a US nickel. Gotta love a campus!!
Spent a couple hours just wandering and a little gridding on the main large lawn, a clad quarter, dime, nickel, and a couple pennies was all I got coin wise. But, as I entered the big lawn I got a clear 34-35 hit (nickel/tab divide line) and checked it. Depth was 2” or less so used the Garrett to locate it exactly. Carefully cut a small plug top with the hand trowel and expecting a pull tab saw a glint of gold! At first I thought it was an earring but once out of the plug realized it was an intact circle so maybe a ring?
This little item was super thin and I tried to see if any marks inside the band and it looks like maybe….. jkline came over and looked as well and thinks there might be a mark too but questioned the semi flat or squared edges. Not going to know until I get home and get it cleaned up better.
Once home, and under a better loupe, it does does appear to be marked on the inside. As best I can try and read it I think its +k+ but just not positive. This little band is just really thin and not really bendable to any degree. Decided I will probably take it in and get it tested to fInd out for sure.
Oh, I did recover a Malaysian 20 SENS coin dated 1973 (about the exact size of a quarter but same value as a US nickel. Gotta love a campus!!
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