[attachment 258222 DSCF6432.JPG] Did like you told me dig all the high vid numbers Higher number the more sliver. This beauty was have belonged to one of those Rapper Dudes what do you call it a gill or grill it was +93 vid and when i dug it i seen that shine i stood up and was doing that dance you showed me the Camel walk or moon talk or moon walk sleet and rain was running off my face i was smiling just thinking i could run down to ice cream shop pull my sospender,s out with my two thumbs and say well looky here how many scoop,s can i get for this you know that guy takes all my dirty money and hands me a cone Well i know your looking and like i said from my finds today if this keeps going you will need a rocket ship to catch up.Oh the crummy bent Nickle came in VID +20 +19 ,I dug all those numbers you told me like +31 or +37 +50 to 55 +1 +13 all them low numbers i wrote down when i seen you last thanks for the great tips.Hope the weather changes and you can hunt soon.Thanks for looking and the great tips hoping to get some of those +95 you were talking about i bet the people on MXT forum get a lot of those.
[attachment 258223 DSCF6433.JPG]
[attachment 258223 DSCF6433.JPG]