hiya micky,,,the chances are that yoiu were on the beach??? RIGHT,,my minelab was a bugger at doin that,,,what hapens is the machine is compensating for the water poaring out of the coil cover ,,,or the build up of sand or soil on the coil and trying to ground balance, or you where detecting over a U F O ??? what ive found is that if you use a clear silicone sealant which you can apply sparingly with you finger a little at a time, you will prevent an ingress of all sorts of stuff into you machines field of vision,, and it usually works,,,if it does not,,,,then buy a detector pro wader, they are cheaper and work as well, or better,,thats my experience,,, my tesoro cibola with a 12 x 10 d.d. coil, works as quiet and as well as a minelab g t ,, but they are not submersible,,, however if your not wadeing or diving then there must be more machines out there that can do the job in that environment?? but the TESORO CIBOLA with 12 x 10 d.d.coil is my favourite in all environments,,, check it out,,,rgds ,,comcat