I was wondering how you all would set up a Tiger Shark unbder these conditions:
Fresh Water
Sand and/or muddy bottom, some shale stone here and there.
No mineralization to speak of here in SC.
Common water trash: minor foil, tabs, occasional iron bitsies
I normally run the SENS at near max, what you might call "9". I set the threshold at a whiny buzz, a touch above min. Nickles cut out at 8 or so, and I run my DISC at "4" or thereabouts. What would you do?
Fresh Water
Sand and/or muddy bottom, some shale stone here and there.
No mineralization to speak of here in SC.
Common water trash: minor foil, tabs, occasional iron bitsies
I normally run the SENS at near max, what you might call "9". I set the threshold at a whiny buzz, a touch above min. Nickles cut out at 8 or so, and I run my DISC at "4" or thereabouts. What would you do?