WARNING: Personal Opinion Ahead.
I've used all of the following mentioned below, at one time or another, including the Tiger Shark. For wading at the the marine shore, there are only two machines I would consider:
Minleab Excalibur
Fisher CZ-20/21.
There are a few others that will do, but they're 2nd best. These two are the best - and the most used - by Surf Pirates who know their business.
Yes, they are costly. But they are rugged and will do what the TS will not: work well and deep in salt sands, while giving a reliable iron ID function.
I'd like to recommend a PI unit, as they are deep seeking. Inevitably, someone will.
But, unless you like moving tons of sand, literally, digging for bobby pins, sparkler wires and nails, I wont do so.
PI's cannot yet do a good job with iron and simply detect everything. They are best saved for the cleaner underwater world of diving.
{{{ For those who dont know it, rusted iron and iron/ferrous compunds are two of the most prominent features of the waveline matrix. Thus, for wading at the shore and near- shore line, the ability to ignore salt and ID iron should be your overiding selection factors. }}}
So, how about the Tiger Shark on land? From one friend to another, dont bother with that, either. Get one of the other land-use Tesoros for dirt grubbing, if you fancy their gear.
Yes, the TS WILL work on land, and reviewers seem to love illustrating that fact. BUT, honestly, it isnt well suited to the environment and hunt methods found ashore. Save the TS for freshwater searching, where it excels like no other. It has become my exclusive freshwater instrument for good reason.
NOTE: The only other fresh water detector I would consider spending money on is the Fisher 1280X.
I suspect you are fishing around, hoping to find one machine that will "do it all." I urge you stop that line of thinking now.
There is no substitute for a purpose built instrument. This is nowhere more true than at the waters edge, be it fresh or salt water.