I have been a long time Tesoro user and a few years ago I got hold of a Tiger Shark for $375. I figured that was a good deal, so I didnt pass it up. Since that time, though, my TS has been in the closet - high and dry.
Knowing it was designed on the same platform as the Bandido series, I assumed it just a wet version of those models. Wrong! This marks the first season I have tried to really use it, and I have had nothing but problems. I sent it to the factory two weeks ago and they returned it yesterday - with several notes to yours truly, the sum of which were that I was my own worst enemy. They did their full tests, made a minor repair to the battery terminals and set everything up, giving it a clean bill of health. I rushed out to try it today, having been wisened more than before ... or so I thought. Let me share a few things that I've learned.
1. The Tiger Shark ISN'T like other Tesoro detectors and can't be treated like them. That's Rule #1.
2. They say the TS is sensitive to small gold - you hear it often, right?. Well, it IS for one reason... it is sensitive as hell out of the gate! The detector fairly quivers on it's own.
As I said, I got mine back from the factory yesterday, and noted that the SENS pot was at half span - that's the factory setting. They let me know that running wide open, as I had been doing previously, was NOT a good idea.
Once I got it opened to check things out, I had to monkey with it, of course. I mean, a SENS setting of 50% aint nothing, right? Bad idea. Erratic behavior ensued, mostly from even minor bumps to the coil in the sand or wiggling it. I think the detector was actually seeing the cable as I swept it through the water, too! When I got it home, I backed it down.
If there was some sort of 'stupid paint', I'd be covered in it.
3. I found that I should NOT turn up the threshold, either. See, I figured it would 'hyper tune' like other Tesoro's, gaining a little performance edge. Wrong again, bucko! If you do that, you can't hear subtle changes in the intensity and so can't ground balance the thing! Hadda turn that one down, too.
4. I found it is helpful to turn up the audio volume near max. This doesnt have any ill effect on the controls, but lets you hear better all around, especially when the wind is blowing.
If I could refine the Tiger Shark, I would put the SENS and THRESH controls on the face. To me, this would be a help, since I like to fiddle with them. At least if did get them whacked out, I could set them back. As it is, they are sealed in the interior and once set, you cant adjust them without opening the control housing.
I finally got it back to something like normal conditions, once I got back home today. For the rest of the season, I'll just leave the dang thing alone and try to get the stupid paint wiped off my face!
Knowing it was designed on the same platform as the Bandido series, I assumed it just a wet version of those models. Wrong! This marks the first season I have tried to really use it, and I have had nothing but problems. I sent it to the factory two weeks ago and they returned it yesterday - with several notes to yours truly, the sum of which were that I was my own worst enemy. They did their full tests, made a minor repair to the battery terminals and set everything up, giving it a clean bill of health. I rushed out to try it today, having been wisened more than before ... or so I thought. Let me share a few things that I've learned.
1. The Tiger Shark ISN'T like other Tesoro detectors and can't be treated like them. That's Rule #1.
2. They say the TS is sensitive to small gold - you hear it often, right?. Well, it IS for one reason... it is sensitive as hell out of the gate! The detector fairly quivers on it's own.
As I said, I got mine back from the factory yesterday, and noted that the SENS pot was at half span - that's the factory setting. They let me know that running wide open, as I had been doing previously, was NOT a good idea.
Once I got it opened to check things out, I had to monkey with it, of course. I mean, a SENS setting of 50% aint nothing, right? Bad idea. Erratic behavior ensued, mostly from even minor bumps to the coil in the sand or wiggling it. I think the detector was actually seeing the cable as I swept it through the water, too! When I got it home, I backed it down.
If there was some sort of 'stupid paint', I'd be covered in it.
3. I found that I should NOT turn up the threshold, either. See, I figured it would 'hyper tune' like other Tesoro's, gaining a little performance edge. Wrong again, bucko! If you do that, you can't hear subtle changes in the intensity and so can't ground balance the thing! Hadda turn that one down, too.
4. I found it is helpful to turn up the audio volume near max. This doesnt have any ill effect on the controls, but lets you hear better all around, especially when the wind is blowing.
If I could refine the Tiger Shark, I would put the SENS and THRESH controls on the face. To me, this would be a help, since I like to fiddle with them. At least if did get them whacked out, I could set them back. As it is, they are sealed in the interior and once set, you cant adjust them without opening the control housing.
I finally got it back to something like normal conditions, once I got back home today. For the rest of the season, I'll just leave the dang thing alone and try to get the stupid paint wiped off my face!