Hey blowfly1967
TID Multiple Tones Setting -w- White's XLT and...
...while using the White's XLT for several years I learned some things about what worked for me in a TID machine and what does not.
My Thoughts:
1. They are not the "end all, be all" solution for every detectorist or situation.
2. Indian Head penny's on my machine sounded like bottle-caps 95% of the time.
3. Most medium and larger Gold Rings also sounded like either a pull-tab or a bottle cap.
4. I liked being able to program or "notch out" some items when searching a very trashy park.
5. I eventually learned to run the machine more or less wide open in the "relic" program, then add some things I like such as "lowering the overall tone" because of my bad hearing and turning off "modulation" so that all targets responded with the same volume regardless of depth (this helps if your hearing is as bad as mine).
6. These top end TID machines have lots of
bells and whistles to use or abuse depending on how much you want to learn about your particular machines limitations and also its advantages.
7. Most of the TID machines are much heavier and rougher on a person if your back is messed up like mine is.
I really liked the White's XLT and if I had the money would buy into the newer generation TID's like the Minelab.
I have had some experience with the Minelab Excalibur and really fought to learn the tone ID's but again I did not have much time with the machine and suspect that I would have become deadly accurate with some more use. My main complaint about that model was "no volume control" and this is killer for someone who has in the past used the Black Widow headphones because of my hearing loss
So in short, my feelings are that any machine will do the trick, its just that some have more tricks up their sleeves.
It just takes time behind the screen, or the control panel in the case of knob adjusted machines.
I am now using a used Tesoro Bandido uMax and have to dig up a lot of unwanted targets but this is the nature of metal detecting.
It is not something that you can escape with any particular model of detector.
Each notch that you ratchet up the discrimination is one more notch of missed rings

I wished my hearing was better but I am doing OK with the Bandido uMax because I have averaged one silver ring per week since I purchased it several weeks ago, along with a 10K Gold ring and a nice sterling necklace. And this is by only get out one day per week on Saturdays for about 5 hours since I am a full time student these days. Carefully planning where you go and understanding where you might be dropped/lost if you were a ring really helps a lot. Where would you get lost if you were a ring?