David from Suffolk
New member
I received a phone call this afternoon from the young lady whos 2007 class ring I found Dec 2 2006 and was she excited.I told her I would be getting her ring back to her very soon.When I got home I received this e mail from the High School Resource Officer.
I wanted to say thank you for contacting us and getting the young lady her class ring back. It is comforting to find that they are still some truly upstanding citizens out there!!! I know you made her senior year in high school that much better because she told me she thought she would never see the ring again.
Adam L. Bernstein
School Resource Officer
Ocean Lakes High School
First Precinct
Virginia Beach Police Department
I wanted to say thank you for contacting us and getting the young lady her class ring back. It is comforting to find that they are still some truly upstanding citizens out there!!! I know you made her senior year in high school that much better because she told me she thought she would never see the ring again.
Adam L. Bernstein
School Resource Officer
Ocean Lakes High School
First Precinct
Virginia Beach Police Department