Well it's been awhile since I posted finds, so I thought I'd post three dishes worth of finds. These all came from a series of short trips as I've been exploring some new locations. One thing that has really impressed me is a lot more nickles than I've ever found before (10 of them in the last two hunts), also I didn't have all my wheaties shown but there is about 10 of them from the 20's up through the 50's. (alas still no silver yet..but I'm still having fun!!) One of the dishes has all my trash that I kept to throw out later.. but it does illustrate this hobbies benefit in cleaning up the parks a little. The second dish are some relics I found, old shotgun shells, old rimfire cartridge (.22 calibre, and a .25 that as far as I can tell dates from about 1900 or so) And theres even a buckshot pellet. Most of the stuff was found with the 5.3 coil, which is rapidly becoming my absolute favorite coil to hunt with, I tend to hunt in coin/jewelry with some slight mod's to the discrimination, and RX settings. The clad dish, is about $11 worth of change. The V3 is a great toy