I believe they will make you a Euro for $700.00 or so, the going cost for you to buy and import one from overseas.
Of course you would have to know someone over there who is not a dealer to buy it for you and ship it back over if you were going that route.
I did one one briefly in 2006, sold it shortly after to get a Tejon. After reading one of Monte's posts just a few minutes ago, figured out why. It came with the 10x12 coil.
Had I tried one of the other coils, might have kept it.
Monte's post:
the French Invincible and the 'regular' Tesoro Euro Sabre are similar in two ways.
One, they both function very much he same, and the operating instructions in the Euro Sabre Owner manual are about as clear and explanatory as the English translation from French that I read. Terrible! Unspecific and incomplete.
The other thing they have in common is that they are both hard to find here in the USA. The Euro Sabre didn't do well in Europe, so Tesoro made it a little worse and tried to market it here in the USA mainly to those Relic Hunters in the E and SE who especially hunt Civil War and earlier battle sites.
How did they make it a difficult sale? The sold it with the 10X12 search coil and not the more useful 8X9 search coil. When they were introduced here in the USA I quickly acquired a couple of them and found the big coil to be close to useless, unless I was intentionally hunting for a larger-size target. Something like a jar of coins, a big, brass railroad switch lock, a handgun, or other bigger target. They do not do well when intended targets are smaller-size, such as common coins.
I tried an assortment of search coils on the Euro Sabre and, like I have found with almost all Tesoro models, the round 8" 'donut' coil works just fine. The 8X9 spoked coil is almost as good. The Tesoro 7" Concentric and the thin-profile Shadow Super-7" coil were both very functional in typically trash-littered sites. And let's face it, the Euro Sabre and Invincible were intended to be used in iron-infested sites were a smaller coil will work better.
If my memory serves me, the Invincible is sold with the 8X9 Concentric search coil and not the big 10X12 coil. That was a better idea.
I liked the Euro Sabre for a lot of the iron infested sites I seek out, such as renovation work around town, or the rural homesteads and old town sites, etc. My preferred search coil was the 7" Concentric. In most 'average' ground environments, the Euro Sabre worked satisfactorily, but it struggled in the more dense mineral environments, such as some black sand river beaches, in pea gravel, or when small rocks,