After finding out that I could eliminate almost all of the square tabs that fall in the nickel range WHILE picking out most nickels with my Royal Sabre, I decided to go to "Devil's Triangle" #2- a baseball field with a 50' by 50' area that's just filled with these and so much more. Found a few screwcaps that I didn't have enough room to put in the pic. But notice the square tabs I DID find. They're mutilated in some way. And the one that was questionable? Oh, well. No detector's perfect. The round foil thingies which gave the same smooth signal as the nickel underneath them are welcome-several years ago I found a NICE gold ring after digging the 17th one. In the dime section, the far left one was about 5" deep and since I had on the 4" coil that made my day. The red markings on the coin and in the soil indicate it was probably the "halo" effect. Next, the 1964 Rosie didn't hurt either. As you can tell by the way the coins look, hardly anyone likes to search this area. The closeness of the mutilated tabs to the nickel acceptance zone shows me the superiority of analog vs. digital in these types or areas. I only tweaked the notch level control by a small turn to achieve the results. Now, at Monte's suggestion, I'm gonna get a 7" coil. Thanks for looking.