Many would agree I am mentally challenged! Probably physically as well.
If you are talking about the Swingy Thingy the answer is an unqualified YES!! I've used it with my Explorer SE until I sold that and got the E-Trac. The ST, suspends the weight of the detector from a center point on the chest harness. You only need to guide it with you right arm...sort of steer it. There's an adjuster that quickly allows you to lengthen or shorten the bungee cord so the detector always hangs where you want it. Sometimes a quarter inch adjustment makes a major difference in the strain and effort you use on your right arm. Uphill, I make it shorter and the opposite is true for downhill. I make constatnt adjustments to mine all day long. I guess sometimes I get tired and hunker over more and have to use lots of strength in the right arm to keep the coil off the ground. When it finally hits me that I am expending too much effort I shorten it , maybe an inch, and all the stress on the right arm is gone and is absorbed by the strap/harness arrangement. For $30 (I think) it's definitely worth a shot. Jim