Mostly Canadian Goose and Mallard Ducks .. The Swans we may see, a couple of times a month.. Both species are very protective of their young.. From what I understand they both mate for life. I frequently see the meanness in the Canadian Geese, when feeding them bread. A male will always e honking, and when it chooses to attack another, they do not stop. They chase each other, snapping at tail feathers, and even when diving under the surface, it will follow.. They can be relentless..
One time, there were a family of Geese, in the high eel grass, kind of hiding the young ones. A family of Swans swam by, and the male,suddenly partly waddling/flying into the eel grass, and grabbed one of the young Goose, by the neck, swinging it like it was a toy, back and forth, trying to kill it, all this while the parent Geese were watching and squawking away. It was quite a ruckus .. After about five minutes, it let go, and continued swimming around the Cove, with its own family.. Boy, what a site, it looked as if, you put vise grips on that babies neck! It did live...
The Mallard Ducks, are timid, will mingle in the crowd, to get at the bread, but stay out of the way, of Goose and Swans...