This is nowhere near the oldest nickel I've found. However it's one the most impact on using my Vaquero. I've been experimenting and trying different settings just generally finding out how well the machine runs. Well it got out of hand. Found huge amounts of iron chunks ,and other assorted trash while my good stuff declined. Earlier this evening I called Kellyco just to chat about what was happening and talk about it. The gentleman who was on call for customer support was very nice and even stated working through an issue with a machine is tough on the phone. But you know what my asking questions and him providing good answers really helped. I changed how I was ground balancing, was more careful setting the threshold, and backed off a bit on the sensitivity. Oh my goodness the Vaquero became much less chatty and really zeroed in on good targets. The discrimination in the trashy iron filled area was superb. This nickel was found at nearly 7 inches in the sandy soil, the machine hit on it loud and clear. Other items also emerged that I would have missed yesterday. No bad for 15 minutes on the phone, it sure is going to affect my use of the Vaquero for the better.