New member
I did get 1 silver nickel (a 64) 12 Qtrs, 13 dimes, 10 nickels (including the silver one) 14 pennies(most ofem are new(found .91 cents in the tot lot where I always start out as I can most always find something there). I'm using a Kellyco 8in. Excelerator DD coil and in my area it seems to find more than any other of my coils. I'm still waiting about a month to get the money for my new Spectra V3. This sports complex that I'm tectin in is only about 8 to 10 yrs old. And I don't believe anyones been there before me. Also I got another matchbox car, a token(not good for cash) A stainless tea spoon, 3 used beer cans, 1 huge steel washer, 6 bottle caps, and a bunch of pulltabs. Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter. Thanks for looking, HH
Honest guys the beer cans were empty
MXT, DX-1, Bullseye, 4 xtra coils
The Best............
Honest guys the beer cans were empty
MXT, DX-1, Bullseye, 4 xtra coils
The Best............