First of all I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy 4Th of July! Due to health problems I have only been out twice this year as I tire easily. But I am starting to get better and should be able to go out for an hour or two at a time. During the past couple of weeks our small town has been replacing sidewalks. It would have been nice to hunt the areas but they were pouring concrete as fast as they could! One thing I did notice that they were hauling excess dirt away. I talked with a city employee to get permission to hunt the dirt piles and he said go for it! I have over 30 years of research that I have done and my notes show that this dirt was removed from in front of an old opera house,a hotel,and a train station. So I plan on taking out the SE for a while. I am thinking of taking a garden rake to move dirt after I hunt it. The piles are not huge and they do have the concrete separated from the dirt. Any other tips on hunting this? Thanks!! Ted