boomers dad
New member
...........Down the street from me,there is a family with 2 kids-The oldest one "runs the roost";sad to say.............She is out all hours till DARK on her bicycle,causing trouble with all the neighbor kids.Its a real sight to see the Dad,Step-Dad,or whomever he is control her-She runs away from him,hides from him,screams at the top of her lungs at him"YER NOT MY DADDY-LEAVE ME THE #$%^ ALONE"!!!--REALLY-Ive heard her................Last night,she was out running the streets till dark. Dad gets in his van-AFTER he stands out there for 1/2 an hour,calling her-she was playing with some other kid at another house-When he showed up to find her,she TRIED TO HIDE from him-and away she went.NOW,HOW OLD do y'all think she was???NO OLDER THAN 5 OR 6:veryangry:WORST THING about it?Shes got a sister a couple years younger;takin this all in.I DO BELIEVE the people "caring" for her give her her way to shut her up,NOW she's a 5-6 year old monster with no respect for anyone-NOT TO MENTION the cretins out there that are just waitin for a chance to grab a kid off the street.I like to tell people about the passage in the Bible that tells us"THE DEVIL WALKS ABOUT LIKE A ROARING LION;WAITING TO DEVOUR SOMEONE"..................Thats not just there to liven up social hour....................The whole situation is just sickening,what they let her get away with.This same little girl showed up on my doorstep 2-3 years ago,lost and scared half to death-I called 911,finally he came and got her.NOW,she's got the attitude of some kids THAT ARE10 YEARS OLDER................