do tend to stay there regardless. Deep iron falsing sounds so much more like deep silver to me when I hunt in manual
Regardless of where I have it set at in manual...sure deep coins on edge might sound a tad bit better...but deep iron sounds
way better...and I don't like it.
If I use the pro coil and try to run manual...I end up digging at least 10 holes to China...with nothing at the bottom of each hole
The 10 x 12 SEF coil is the one that does best in manual than any other coil for me....and depending on the ground conditions...I can hunt it at manual 26 about 50% of the time.
I honestly usually end up right back at semi auto 26 though...because in my opinion...the deep iron doesn't give off as much of a clean "warbly" sound as it does in manual. I just seem to be able to tell enough of a difference between deep iron and deep coins while hunting in semi auto..that I do very well in iron.
My best finds this year have come in areas where I have very little or no threshold at all much of the time.
I am not telling others to hunt this way because it takes a lot of practice..but nulls are my friends
When I'm in manual...the sound coming through the nulls are way too good...and I dig too much iron. If I'm in semi auto though...those too good sounds break up on some of the coil passes...and I know it's iron instead of a coin in the iron.
If I dig a rusty's my choice and I already knew it was iffy before I gave it a shot.
Now that I've babbled way too long
...I'll get back to the original question. Yes different coils definitely do handle hotter manual sensitivity better than others for me. Regardless though of where I have manual set at...I get more popping and "un"stableness as I do when running semi auto...which makes it harder for me to discern between deep iron and deep coins.
It isn't so much that I can't run manual 26 if I want to. It's more that I can tell the SE language spoken over deep iron when I'm in semi auto.
I feel most of the good coins left aren't too deep for explorer users.
I feel they are hiding in iron and trash