Yeah. The more I think about it...the more I'm pretty sure it was a cannon ball. Billings Montana. 1973. I was just thirteen. I lived on 2nd street West. Between Custer and Miles ave. I had a little yellow and grey detectector. Gremlin was the model. Don't ask me who made it . Anyway I was just a kid and I'm detecting in a neighbors yard next to this huge old wooden garage, barn or was a big ol garage of sorts...I recall digging next to it something I gave up on. I only had a little spade and a screw driver. The ground was rock hard. I was next to the alley there and I remember digging and digging..and whatever it was resembled a metal ball. The roundness kept growing the deeper I dug. Why I didn't go home and get a bigger shovel I will never know...perhaps Tarzan was about to start on was too much for me to dig up and so I just covered it and forgot all ... until just the other day. I "googled earth" the old neighborhood , and where the old garage was is now a new garage and a large paved drive way covering the entire area where I found the round thing....and where I left it. Now I wonder what may have been there before development hit that area. Think about it...Custer Ave....Miles Ave....Cook Ave...Howard Ave...practically next door to where the Crow Indian Resevation is today. Could have been a calvary camp or something.'s too late now.