Just got a new Safari back in May 2012, directly from Minelab. Well it is a nice machine. Simple to use and for me, balanced well with little fatigue after hours of use.
However, I should qualify that I am in excellent shape and lift heavy weights. So the Safari does not seem heavy to me. I also have a Bounty Hunter Platinum, and this is an extremely light machine.
Getting back to the Safari, it has an excellent pinpoint mode. I also like the ability to go with just a press of the button between "Coin and Jewelry" and "Relic " modes on the fly.
Conductive audio response with "Coin and Jewelry " program. And, ferrous audio response with "Relic" program.
I also like the "Graphic Identification Bar" on the Safari. It is horizontally laid out and is easy to set discrimination and see target ID response.
It is like my Whites Eagle Spectrum in that sense....which I have used for twenty years.
Wish it was lighter. Also wish it had a back-light. Does not come with rechargeable batteries.....but comes with coil cover.
For $1000, it should have come with rechargable battery pack.
I would recommend the Minelab Safari.