At 70 I'm about an old coot as you are going to find that can provide an opinion. Mine are going to negative so perhaps they will be balanced by present owners who have something positive to say.
First, it is nice and light and if you want to make it lighter you can remove the control housing and hip-mount it. You will require an extension cable and they don't exist. I did get an extension cable from BOUNTY HUNTER for my LAND STAR and they charged me $25 but it is a custom job. Hip-mounting it will leave you only the lighter rod to swing and you'll be able to swing just the rod all day without fatigue or needing to switch arms.
Second, while the 3300 is a light unit I did have to switch arms after approx. a half-hour of swinging. Which is why I suggested hip-mounting it.
Third, when I used the 3300 in a local park on a couple of ocassions, the thing wouldn't stop squealing and it wasn't because the surface was littered with metal. I don't know what kept triggering it.
Fourth, I wanted a digit VDI (numbers) and while I was aware of 2-digit displays I selected the 3300 because it has a 3-digit display and I thought that I would get an extra refinement with the addition of a third digit. Being an old analog meter kind of guy, I also thought that the display would always default to 000 or 001 and whenever it went over metal the numbers would increase accordingly. Not so. The display was always at 199 and it would come down to whatever number correspended with the target.
Fifth, I had read reviews where it was pointed out that when you set certain parameters and you change modes or turn the unit off, those set parameters will be erased forcing you to set them again, and again, possibly many times during your hunting period.
Sixth, not a big deal but the Ground Balance knob shaft is a loose in the hole and it might never be a problem but I don't like loose knob shafts, I want them solidly inserted.
Since I sold the detector a short while after I bought it I cannot remember any other dislikes.
Now let someone chime in with their likes.
Golden Silver