Then bang bang bang!!!! Was out in the water for awhile with nothing to show but a few coins. Then bang bang bang!!!! First one I think might be white gold( no marks, middle ring), the second is Tungsten Carbide, and the third is 14 KT. Got to thank Oldbeechnut for that find. We were e-mailing each other to set up to meet each other, He told me he would have a sand chair and a camera when he got to the hunt spot. I notice a guy walking with a chair and camera figure it was him. I came out of the water to intorduce myself and meet him (we have never met before). He told me to go hunt and we would talk later after detecting(limit to 3 huors hunting at this park), as I made my way back out into the water, BANG!!!! I got a midtone signal and the 14KT ring fell into my float!! THANKS OLDBEECHNUT. Turned out to be a good day. Good finds and met a new friend. It just don't get mucher better.