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I've been hitting any nearby tot lots lately with my limited free time. For some reason I have an obsession to find a gold ring..can't imagine why that would be! LOL! Anyway, I'm still learning this detector but have discovered a few things along the way..
I CAN get near the poles and stairs and such, even though I get noise, I can generally still tell if I pass a target.
I can hit on a good target even with a bad target in the same hole. Not everytime though.
The Scorpion loves bits of amalgam, or melted aluminum, whatever the heck that stuff is that I keep finding.
The Scorpion will sound off on what must be small hot rocks in the yards that have mulch on top of pea gravel.
The Scorpion is WAAAAAY more sensitive than my el cheapo Centech pinpointer!
Sometimes I don't want to dig THROUGH the mulch and the first inch or so of soil!
You never know WHAT you're gonna find in the mulch!!
There is such thing as too much sensitivity, although I'm trying to learn to balance this and my discrimination.
Headphones mean you get less attention from others
The Scorpion may not be known as a depth machine, but it ain't too shallow either! Dirt, sand, mulch-no prejudice shown to any medium yet!
Something about wearing a Garrett cap, sunglasses, jeans and swinging a detector makes people you think you're with the government!
Conversely, makes others think you're some type of looter!
Even better still-I had one female jogger (enhanced variety, after all I live in N. Dallas) ask me if I was up to no good? Best I could come up with while attempting not to notice her uh..upgrades was, 'yes, why do you ask?'.
Kids think metal detecting is COOL!
You score big, wait huge, no...MASSIVE points if you ask who's keys you just found and the person is actually still there!
Now if I could just manage to find more than 30 odd cents at a time!
I CAN get near the poles and stairs and such, even though I get noise, I can generally still tell if I pass a target.
I can hit on a good target even with a bad target in the same hole. Not everytime though.
The Scorpion loves bits of amalgam, or melted aluminum, whatever the heck that stuff is that I keep finding.
The Scorpion will sound off on what must be small hot rocks in the yards that have mulch on top of pea gravel.
The Scorpion is WAAAAAY more sensitive than my el cheapo Centech pinpointer!
Sometimes I don't want to dig THROUGH the mulch and the first inch or so of soil!
You never know WHAT you're gonna find in the mulch!!
There is such thing as too much sensitivity, although I'm trying to learn to balance this and my discrimination.
Headphones mean you get less attention from others
The Scorpion may not be known as a depth machine, but it ain't too shallow either! Dirt, sand, mulch-no prejudice shown to any medium yet!
Something about wearing a Garrett cap, sunglasses, jeans and swinging a detector makes people you think you're with the government!
Conversely, makes others think you're some type of looter!
Even better still-I had one female jogger (enhanced variety, after all I live in N. Dallas) ask me if I was up to no good? Best I could come up with while attempting not to notice her uh..upgrades was, 'yes, why do you ask?'.
Kids think metal detecting is COOL!
You score big, wait huge, no...MASSIVE points if you ask who's keys you just found and the person is actually still there!
Now if I could just manage to find more than 30 odd cents at a time!