...is a loose feral dog or roaming pack of dogs. As you know, I love and train my dogs. But I'm also no PETA fan, not by a long shot!
In our area such dogs have killed two men, mauled 5 children, killed or maimed countless fenced or domestic dogs and cats in the last five years. And they've been shown on news videos taken lately that they aren't afraid to attack deer and cattle with people watching, either!
Snakes, of which we have many, gators and such are easy to watch for and protect against as they are very much predictable within their environment, if one only wishes to dress properly and educate themselves about the subject.
I've been "bitten" three times in my life by rattle-snakes (twice by Timber Rattlers, once by a Sidewinder) and each and every time it was MY fault for either stepping on them, sticking my hand where I didn't check first, or not giving way when I was warned off. All three times, no venom was injected. The animals just wanted me to leave them alone.
Feral dogs and loose dog packs, on the other hand, are completely unpredictable and proven dangers around here. And, unlike all the wildlife that might cross our path, these guys have NO fear of humans.
Just as my wife fears spiders, I understand the unreasoning fear some have of snakes. But, that's just what it is..."without reasoning". A phobia (mild or severe) in and of itself doesn't warrant an arbitrary death sentence. Especially when proven the enormous benefits to all given to us by vipers against encroaching and often disease-carrying rodents.
North America has no snakes, poisonous or otherwise, that seek out or "attack" humans or larger mammals. There reactions are purely defensive, never offensive, and will usually do all that they can (if given a chance) to either get well away or warn, since man and large animals are not food to them.
Again, this is just my opinion given as a friend who thinks differently on this matter. It's certainly YOUR (or anyone else's) private property to do as you see fit. I'd be the LAST person to demand any action or inaction from a private citizen on their own land. But on public properties or business properties, there is no reason to slaughter snakes when they can just as easily be removed. I know many who work near and in the swamps at drill sights, refineries, fishing camps etc. Even if they hate snakes, they realize that they'll have even MORE problems if rodents take over, so they leave them alone or relocate them if necessary. Even Water Moccassins...which CAN be somewhat territorial and aggressive. But few, if any, live in Virginia.
If one can see a snake and then take the time it takes to go get something to hack or beat it up with, then they can just as easily restrain and capture it for relocation or simply let it go it's own way.
Again, I offer this only as my opinion and maybe for educational/demonstration purposes at most. So please don't think I'm rebuking...merely refuting...that some snakes in the U.S. may "need" killing.