It was very windy at the lake today (gusts to 50mph.) and the ducks and geese were landbound. So I grabbed my camera and an apple from my truck and went and sat on a new bench. Needles to say, I was the most popular human there today, as the winged critters quickly migrated all around me. Some were so brazen as to get behind me on the bench and actually grab my T-Shirt, and try to eat it through one of the metal slats! Kelly, I hope I don't give you bad dreams about the geese
When I got near the end of my apple, I bit the core into 3 pieces, and offered it to the geese, being the gluttons they are, one of the younger ones came running, honking and hissing, chasing the others away and it grabbed a piece way too large to comfortably swallow. It kept juggling it around in its mouth, spit it out a few times, picking it back up and trying again, all the while running from others who wanted to steal it from him/her. I wanted to shoot a video of this, but it kept running all over the place. When it finally did get it down his throat you could see on the outside of its neck, the apple core piece slowly going down
I think one of the geese must know the mean one at your park and told me to send a message to you Kelly. It will be the first pic I put up. It got up to 76 degrees today, tomorrow it will only be in the mid 40's. March came in like a lion, and went out like a lion. Some of the geese got so close that I used macro on one...........nge