I love it! What a great topic for us to get to know each other a bit more! I woulda never guessed Jimtn was a shoe salesman!

Or Senda being a fruit stand operator! Boy I bet they have some stories!
Well, I've never really had a 'career', and all of my 'jobs' have proven to be temporary and unprofitable nuisances! I've done a lot of things, manual labor to upper management, started making money in the early 70's.
I've lived through 4 recessions and lost it all a time or two, one day you are behind a desk, the next day neck deep in the dirt!...Damn Nafta!
Most interesting and satisfying was when I was a grave digger for 2yrs up in MN...Never had any complaints from my customers! Very peaceful and healthy since they were all dug by hand...the job that best translated skills to detecting was being a Trapper. Damage control on beaver, and Predator (coyote) control for ranchers out West.. a guy did it year round and got to know what kind of travel patterns, structure and habits these critters have, got paid for performance and not effort, although effort is a big part, no guarantee ...Humans are basically the same as animals, they follow predictable and easy to 'see' patterns. Detecting shares a lot of the required skills trapping has, it was an easy switch, finding locations and 'site reading' being primary...

Consequently, at this point in my Life, being poor and basically unemployable to anyone other than myself, I am self employed, and my boss is a real @ss, borderline alcoholic too I think!

He's attracted to outdoor 'pursuit oriented hobbies' that make money or at least break even, and they have to be performed quickly during the dead hours when He wont be missed...Again, Trapping skills pay off here too, He knows the Humans wont be up for a few hours, so he has time to go and find some pennies..Hes a strange duck alright, I wouldnt buy an apple from him and I consider him a close personal friend! I still get paid on performance, since I sell and fix hydraulic industrial equipment...just got a call, somethings busted in Texas, gotta go make some money...