I have used the xlt spectrum for a few years now and it never ceases to amaze me with it abilities to hunt. I have heard alot of negativity on the various forums that its just a wide open field machine, a hi-speed park machine , good for finding shallow coins no deeper than 4 inchs etc. I have even seen some mention that 6 inchs was about its maximum depth on finding and identifying coins. humbug! Today I took my xlt with the new style 950 coil I just got and went to a sports field I have hunted off and on for years. The city had recently tore out a set of old wooden bleachers that had been there for years so I being the opportunist I am grabbed up my trusty old xlt and headed out. I got alot of penny signals with a vdi around 66 and lots of trash under the big coil. But I noticed as I swung the coil over the ground a high tone would squeak thru along with the trash tones. With the xlt it was very easy to isolate the hightone by pulling the trigger back into all metal pinpoint and zeroing in on it. Folks I pulled 3 quarters one after the other and they were showing a depth of 7.5 inchs!! I was using my leshe digger and it was deeper than the handle gaurd on the digger. The vdi was bouncing alittle at this depth between 85-89 and the signagraph never did get full bars. I was tone hunting so that didnt really matter. I was using my own custom settings with the ac , vdi, and preamp tweaked to my location and we have had a few days of rain. Bottom line is , if you have a xlt and you enjoy it , feel comfortable with it, dont get caught up in the gotta have this new toy hype. All metal detectors do the same thing , they find metal in the ground period! Learn your machine, try diff coil combinations, hunt where things have been lost in the past.