Ed Steinhoff
Active member
Ok I knew going into this crazy hobby that there was a danger of an addiction and it did happen, but nobody warned me that the affliction would grow worse by stages! For the first three months it was a progression of frustration and elation as the learning curve both aggravated and rewarded me. As confidence in my abilities increased and the quantity of finds increased the main goal became the score. Never come home with less than 50 coins (it was usually more) became the norm. Didn't matter that they were all clad, just happy that the research, the methods of detection and recovery were all working together. Then the next stage of the addiction began to kick in. The fact that I wasn't finding any older coin, silver or wheats, began to nag me. Since the ground is still frozen, most I could do was to plan where to hunt come spring thaw.Thaw would increase my chances of finding the older stuff. This evening just as I was getting done for the day, the overwhelming, uncontrollable, I gotta go swing right nows! came over me. Couldn't leave to go any anywhere so I decided to hunt my own yard again for the 20th or 30th time. I knew it was going to be waste of effort because I have never, ever found anything but junk junk junk! But my mind said, well maybe the improvements will pay off. Set the 505 at 2:00 o'clock sens, disc all the way off, set my ground trac, punched in auto notch and began to swing, feels good, hearing a few junk signals, dug an iffy,pulled out a piece off heavy aluminum from about 2 inches, turned and started back across and bam! a solid penny-dime signal at 4 inches! Since my coil is 1 to 1 1/2 inches off the ground, the target is 2 1/2 to 3 inches deep, I can chip that out! Pinpointed it precisely and started probing and digging, came out with a wheat! It is in beat up and poor to barely discernible condition but with some cleaning it says 1933! In it's sad and banged up condition it is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COIN IN THE WORLD!!! the feeling of seeing that coin come out of the ground and then realizing that it wasn't just another zincolon was almost indescribable. Guess this is the next stage up of the addiction! ED in co.