Mike Hillis
Well-known member
I'm always buying detectors looking for something my wife can use. It is kind of a running joke around us because everytime someone asks us what I got her for her birthday or Christmas, its always been a metal detector
Now I get her other stuff too, beside the detectors but she knows I'm always looking out for her
She was using the Golden with the widescan coils on it but it got a bit heavy for her. We tried hipmounting a CoinStrike, which she liked but the rod/coil combo was still too heavy. I picked up a little Compadre with the little 6" pancake coil for her to try and she likes the little "Cute" machine :lol I enjoyed having her around today. She had fun with the Compadre and I had fun with my F5. She told me she liked it because it was light enough that she could swing it and if it beeped, there was something there
Couple of times my treasure for the day was just watching her out there, one hand on her hip, the other hand swinging the Compadre, looking for a beep.

She was using the Golden with the widescan coils on it but it got a bit heavy for her. We tried hipmounting a CoinStrike, which she liked but the rod/coil combo was still too heavy. I picked up a little Compadre with the little 6" pancake coil for her to try and she likes the little "Cute" machine :lol I enjoyed having her around today. She had fun with the Compadre and I had fun with my F5. She told me she liked it because it was light enough that she could swing it and if it beeped, there was something there

Couple of times my treasure for the day was just watching her out there, one hand on her hip, the other hand swinging the Compadre, looking for a beep.