After church today and a great lunch I decided to give it a try this afternoon. First thought was to go to the place where the guy took my quarter away and see if I could find me something to take the sting away. I just had this feeling there had to be a ring there somewhere , that would really make me feel good if I found one. Well after about 30 minutes I got this bouncy signal and started to dig. The high from seeing a ring pop out was directly proportionate to the low I got after I realized it as a junky
This is what I got.
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It gets better:
I kept on digging and after a few minutes I heard a beep. A car parked next to my truck and this guy came out making a bee line towards me. Oh Oh here comes trouble , I thought. Well he approached me an first thing he asked was "How much will you charge me to find something I buried when I was little?"
My response of course was , "Nothing, I will be glad to find it for you and if I do I will gladly return it. " OK, so he says just follow me to my house and I'll show you where it is.
I followed him and he greets me at the entrance to his house and starts to tell me about the box he buried. Seems that is was project from a teacher when he was in elementary, kinda like a time capsule thing. He claims he's sure he buried it in a small 10 x 10 area and says "come I'll show you where"
It gets better:
I'm walking in with him and come face to face with 2 giant pitbulls with heads the size of basket balls tied with chains. I must have said "oh s**t" or something cause he says don't worry they won't do anything since you are with me. Well he starts to outline the area where he's sure the box is and I ask him what was buried in the box, was it metal, or what.
His answer , and I am not kidding, was "I'm not sure if the box was metal but I remember I put a lot of things in it like papers, toys and a taco."
Trying to not LOL, I told him in a professional way, "the detector will not Id a taco. Do you remember if you put any metal or coins in the box?" He seemed to think he had put some coins in it. Enough for me . OK , I told him let me see if I can help. Turned on my 4000 and up come an explosion of beeps. Must have been a thousand pulltabs and metal bits in there. I'm trying to decide which signal to dig , and he is right there with me and I decide to dig a high tone. Turned out to be one of probably a million , screw caps. I keep on digging another tone when his wife/girlfriend comes out wearing the tiniest of short shorts and a loose, very loose, fitting top leaving hardly anything to the imagination. The pit bull then decides to come and sniff me out. So here I am on my knees with a pitbull on one side, a scantily clad woman on the other, and this guy to my left. Told you it gets better. The guy says "Don't worry she won't bite!!" Was going to ask "Who the dog or the b**h? but momma didn't raise no fool. Told you it gets better: Now how to get out of this predicament?? Ding, ding!!! Got it!! I removed the headphone from the detector and told him" listen to all the things the detector picks up. There is no way I can dig each one to find your box. Sorry I won't be able to help you. " Fortunately he agreed and I could not get out of there fast enough. I swear the pitbulls just kept looking at me like I was their lunch .
Now what?? I then decided to go to another lot (where I found the money clip with the 1908 IH penny) At least this one went well. After a Few minutes I got me my fourth silver of the month. Here's a pic:
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Told you it gets better: What a day. Oh the trials and tribulations of a metal detectorist. HH
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It gets better:
I kept on digging and after a few minutes I heard a beep. A car parked next to my truck and this guy came out making a bee line towards me. Oh Oh here comes trouble , I thought. Well he approached me an first thing he asked was "How much will you charge me to find something I buried when I was little?"
My response of course was , "Nothing, I will be glad to find it for you and if I do I will gladly return it. " OK, so he says just follow me to my house and I'll show you where it is.
I followed him and he greets me at the entrance to his house and starts to tell me about the box he buried. Seems that is was project from a teacher when he was in elementary, kinda like a time capsule thing. He claims he's sure he buried it in a small 10 x 10 area and says "come I'll show you where"
It gets better:
I'm walking in with him and come face to face with 2 giant pitbulls with heads the size of basket balls tied with chains. I must have said "oh s**t" or something cause he says don't worry they won't do anything since you are with me. Well he starts to outline the area where he's sure the box is and I ask him what was buried in the box, was it metal, or what.
His answer , and I am not kidding, was "I'm not sure if the box was metal but I remember I put a lot of things in it like papers, toys and a taco."
Trying to not LOL, I told him in a professional way, "the detector will not Id a taco. Do you remember if you put any metal or coins in the box?" He seemed to think he had put some coins in it. Enough for me . OK , I told him let me see if I can help. Turned on my 4000 and up come an explosion of beeps. Must have been a thousand pulltabs and metal bits in there. I'm trying to decide which signal to dig , and he is right there with me and I decide to dig a high tone. Turned out to be one of probably a million , screw caps. I keep on digging another tone when his wife/girlfriend comes out wearing the tiniest of short shorts and a loose, very loose, fitting top leaving hardly anything to the imagination. The pit bull then decides to come and sniff me out. So here I am on my knees with a pitbull on one side, a scantily clad woman on the other, and this guy to my left. Told you it gets better. The guy says "Don't worry she won't bite!!" Was going to ask "Who the dog or the b**h? but momma didn't raise no fool. Told you it gets better: Now how to get out of this predicament?? Ding, ding!!! Got it!! I removed the headphone from the detector and told him" listen to all the things the detector picks up. There is no way I can dig each one to find your box. Sorry I won't be able to help you. " Fortunately he agreed and I could not get out of there fast enough. I swear the pitbulls just kept looking at me like I was their lunch .
Now what?? I then decided to go to another lot (where I found the money clip with the 1908 IH penny) At least this one went well. After a Few minutes I got me my fourth silver of the month. Here's a pic:
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Told you it gets better: What a day. Oh the trials and tribulations of a metal detectorist. HH