Here are my finds from a couple of short hunts with the Cortes using the 8 inch doughnut coil. At one site I set the Cortes discrimination just high enough to knock out foil caps from sports drinks and used the narrow notch to get rid of the pull tabs. I ended up digging around 8 nickels, several dimes and quarters from a site that has been hunted to death. I left there and went to a soccer field that I've been over several times. I set the discrimination to its minimum and hunted without using any notch. I was digging dimes at 8 and 9 inches deep. I got signal that was smearing on the bars in the silver ID range. I dug down around 7 to 8 inches and found a nickel. That made me scratch my head. I went back over the hole and got another good signal in the silver range. I dug a quarter, another quarter and finally a dime. I ended up finding an old junk ring, a foreign coin, a dollar coin and two recent coins spills. One of them had 6 quarters, 2 dimes, a nickel and couple of zinc pennies. Nothing special, but I did enjoy swinging the Cortes. It just amazes me how deep it will go.