Hobo lobo said:
They found them a year ago and have had lots of time to explore their options and probably considered trying to sell them and avoid taxes. Their attorney probably discussed the various options with them. ALL of the coins are rare due to there mint condition. You must like to file things down, if I were going to destroy a rare numismatic coin, which I would never do. It's way easier and more efficient just to melt it down. For all anyone knows what they disclosed may be only a part of the hoard, what a perfect way to avoid most of the taxes and not arouse suspicion.
It has been determined that they were probably NOT stolen, it was on the news.
No, I don't like to file things down, but keep a bunch in coin folders, sell some off in a transformed state (not traceable) to help me live out my life here while I'm on this planet. Maybe give some money away along the way to help others. My livelihood is worth more than keeping some rare coins. If it would help me and my family to live out the rest of our lives then the importance of some collectable piece of metal tends to lose its importance. Look at all the treasure that has been buried with all then Egyptian kings for them to use in the after life, they didn't really get to take it with them. So, its only good here on the planet. I made $38,000.00 last year and the Gov got $8,500.00 of that, screw'em.
Something else to think about,
Lets say there is only one known silver dollar and some rich guy paid five million bucks for it, then along comes good ole Joe and finds a hole boat load of the exact some coins, lets say 20,000 of them and he goes public with them, now how rare is the one that guy paid all those millions for worth?
I'd keep some to move one at a time over the years, transform some of the others and have a good retirement! Maybe save a few for my grand kids, for collage.
But I've gave enough to our Government sense I've been working sense I was 16 years old. So, yep! I would file them down, melt them down (some of them), into small sellable batches and retire.
Yea, its only a dream, but it is a nice one!
Collectable only goes so far with me.