Well-known member
found this old Iron spoon at the 30,s shack. Just think they where so poor they could not afford even silver plated table ware. It was the mid 1930,s and they got booted from their house and had to find a place to shack up so they found a spot in a place no one went next to the river that normally would flood , and build a tarpaper shack, made a chicken coupe, planted a garden and got busy chopping wood from the forest. they fished and trapped and got by by any means , exept mom would not stand on the corner or sell her body, they still had morals. money was hard to come by . and they needed some table ware . so they went to town and mom eyed the sterling but knew not to even think of that . but maybe the silver plated table ware, that way when the friends came over they would see how well off they where. But no they just did not have the money. so the store owner showed them the bargain table ware set made of cheep steel . well that had to do . they got the steel table ware . and don't you know it made every thing taste like Iron after so many years they just loathed that taste. of Iron . then the war broke out and dad got a good paying job and his 18 year old son joined the navy and times got better and they left the hole shack table ware and all . in the woods . and today they eat off stainless steel and for cristmass, they have sterling. but they have never forgot those old steel spoons.