Here's the results from the last couple of hunts. I hit some local sports fields and got a bunch of coins. The APEX surprised me with a ring and silver dime from those areas. For best results, I have to hunt with only 2/8 bars sensitivity. If I go much higher, I get some EMI interference. Even at 2 bars, I can still raise the coil another 6-8 inches and still get a decent signal on most targets. The final released model will be much different then the one I have now.
So far, on average, the greatest depth I get is using the multi-frequency. However, smaller then coin targets will also read best using a higher frequency. The apex is such an easy, simple machine to operate. Navigating through different settings is a breeze. Hunting steep hills allows you to easily maneuver the coil and unit at shoulder height or more, due to being so light.
The APEX, like the ACE Series and AT Series is a great coin shooter. Below are the best finds from my recent hunts.